Living Life In Tension

Knowing others may never
love you for you.
They may never care to understand
or even want to hear.

Knowing your heart poured out
in love for others,
may be despised and even rejected.
You’ll be discarded
for someone or something
more fun and shiny.

Knowing no one out there
is perfect.
No one’s attitudes or their lack
to give what you may need
make you hard or unforgiving.
Go and live!

You, dear friend,
have a Father in heaven
who loves you and will hear
your heart.
He will listen all day
and He is never passive.
He will guide and lead you.
He will cause you to live

You, dear friend,
don’t necessarily need others
to fulfill you.
People come and they go
but only One remains.
He is your life
and makes you live.....
live in the tension.

“In Him we live and move and exist.” Acts 17:28 (CJB)
“...I have come so that they may have life, life in its FULLEST MEASURE.” John 10:10
And when you have time, soak dear one in Psalm 23.

Always remember to live in His love. 💕
