The Holy Spirit And The Mailman

“The Holy Spirit is such a good friend”, I thought to myself after I watched my mailman struggling through the mounds of snow flung there by the passing plow trucks. He had just walked up onto my front porch like clock-work. Everyday, I can count on hearing his heavy footsteps as he walks up to the little red postal box next to my front door and opens its squeaky hinge to place the days delivery. I’m usually sitting right in front of the big picture window in my livingroom - the only one in the house that seems to have the original glass from the time this home was built back in 1915. The glass is warbled and pitted and my view is slightly distorted as I peer out at the falling snow.

But I watched him after he had left the porch and thought, “I hope he is wearing boots today.” When he came into view, I was relieved to find that he had some warm-looking ones and he had the postman’s overalls that covered his whole body. His mail pouch was slung across his side.

His struggle impressed me. Here he was, hand-delivering mail to each of the homes on my street. Here he was, in spite of the weather, the challenge of unplowed sidewalks and walkways up to each home, doing what he needed to do to get his job done, regardless of the fatigue it took and the cold he had to endure.

It made me so thankful for the Holy Spirit in my life and made me realize what a good friend He is. Us human beings are not easy to reach. Our hearts can be so far removed from God. Our lives can be like that deep deep snow that only a faithful mailman who has something important to deliver, will ever reach. He comes and keeps coming to our hearts everyday, delivering messages of hope and love and the things we need to hear to continue forward towards Christ. He reveals the deeper message of life in the words we read. He reminds us of things when challenges of life strike hard and fast. He does so very much that we just take for granted everyday. I am grateful to Him for coming and for Jesus who sent Him. I don’t think I could ever have made it this far in life if He hadn’t come to live in me back when I was seven years old. He will make sure I make it to my eternal abode. He is a faithful friend.
