Spring Has Come!

It was a day longed for.
A day of just enough warmth
that as I opened my front door,
it was like my best friend
had arrived.
Oh how I've missed
simply sitting on the front step
breathing in fresh air,
listening to the birds
and thinking.
The big tree in the yard
had survived another year
and stood faithfully,

It was so needed for me
to be outside

Taking the familiar steps
through our backyard,
I found our wheelbarrow
leaning against the back
of the little blue shed.

My heart was beating
and it felt good
to be outside -
to be alive.

The sticks that had fallen
from the faithful tree
all winter long
were scattered about
like the passing
of a fierce storm.

It was relaxing as handful
after handful was thrown
into the wheelbarrow.

A little bird
made sweet bird sound
as it courageously
flitted about near me
to get to the bird feeder.

A big fly was walking along
the sidewalk.
And one buzzed near
young lady who I delightfully
enjoyed as she sat by me
for a few moments.

Oh Spring!
You are here again.
And with you,
times outside,
