The Faithfulness of God's Love

There is nothing more precious
than the tender love of God 
that flows through His people
and His love demonstrated
through you my friend.

It was bold,
it was brave.
It risked being hurt again.
But it trusted.
There was a great faith
that the God who lives in you,
lives in me too
and was working things out.

The problem seemed massive.
There was no earthly way
to sort through it,
to make sense of it
or to bring justice to it.

But God!
His ways are not our ways.
His thoughts are not our thoughts.
He took hold of both of us
and drew us out of deep waters
and the entanglements of it all.

There is nothing like the ways of God.
They are beautiful, touching,
life-giving, restoring, gentle,
hopeful and full of grace.

I know that the test He gave us both
found His way of escape 
in His faithfulness
for both of us to bare it.

Thank you for loving God my friend.
And thank you 
for being patient with me
while He worked it all out.

