My Children Accepted To ISCHS Today

It was like winning the lottery when the long awaited call came in the middle of Walmart.  ISCHS came up on my caller I.D and I heard the sweet voice letting me know both my children are accepted into the school.  She laughed as I told her how happy I was to hear the news and was happy with me.

After months of researching schools in Florida, calling my favored one and registering online, I was told that testing was finished for the school and when I moved into town, to give them a call but there were no guarantee's. 

A few days after we moved to Miami, I called International Studies Charter High School and was pleased to hear I could bring my children in for testing at 9:00am on June 24th.  I had no idea what the testing involved.  The morning of the 24th came and the two hour test taken.  I couldn't wait to hear about it from them as they got into the car.  "It was really easy", they both explained.  "It was just math, english..."

I thought maybe they'd be tested on their language ability and that had me worried.  In Indiana, kids can pick an elective to learn a new language in 8th grade.  Here in Florida, they start children in 6th grade and sometimes even earlier. But then again, most children already speak another language here.  Miami is such a global city!

My son has taken two years of French and loves it.  In fact, he would like to go on after high school to become a French teacher and would absolutely love to live in France as a foreign exchange student and go to college there as well.  

International Studies Charter High School specializes in French, Spanish and Italian.  Classes here prepare students for a global outlook and for advanced placement classes and be able to transition into international universities.
The academics for this school are very high.  There is guarantee'd 2-3 hours of homework every evening on top of 80 hours of community service for the year and parents are expected to serve in some capacity at the school for a set number of hours too. It should keep my children well challenged.  And I like that!!  It will keep me challenged too.

So this is one less thing to worry about as we start our life here in Miami.  The school is now found.  And it is ranked 4th best in Florida and 24th best school in the U.S.

And I so want to thank God!  We get a sense of His calling and desire for our children and we pray.  God truly is in control and He knows what He is doing.  Praying gets us into alignment with what He already has prepared.  It is for His good will and pleasure that we live.  In Him we live and move and have our being!

Now I just need to get the school transcript for my son.  I was able to pick up my daughters transcripts before we left from Indiana.  Also need to get school physical's and purchase school uniforms.  Hope I can find pants long enough for my son with his long 6'4" frame!
