Won't You Sit With Me

Come away with me my love.
I've prepared just the place.

Come away with me my bride
dressed in the white of my righteousness.

By grace you were saved.
It is by that same grace, my gift to you, that you come to me through faith
each and every day.
In fact, each and every moment.

So come.
Come to me your Shepherd.
Are you weary and heavy laden?
I will give you rest.
I will make you lie down in green pastures
and lead you beside still waters.

I will restore your soul.

I pray for you everyday.
Since I have gone to my Father
and your Father -
my God and your God,
I will make the love the Father 
has shown me
to be felt in you
by my Spirit.

So continue to walk in this my grace
through faith each day.
Come to me.
Spend time with me
and keep yourself in my love.
Never grow tired of this
or think it a small thing 
to pick up your bible and read it,
to talk to me.

I promise, you will seek me 
and you will find me
when you seek for me with all your heart.
Believe that I exist 
and I reward all those who diligently 
seek me.

Come to me my darling.
