When Anxiety Strikes - Gods Grace is Sufficient For You
I have to admit it. There were a few days since we've moved to Miami, we'd go out to buy some things we needed for the house, personal needs and for our cars and I've found myself very cranky - even to the point of feeling anxiety. If anyone has felt anxiety, it isn't fun. At all. It especially hit too when the construction guys had to cover our balcony entrances with heavy duty plastic to work on them. It has happened when I think too deeply about some of my friends and family so far away and thinking about unknowns. Just not knowing what's ahead has given me anxiety and then here comes another day of the same. I talk to my Savior, "Here I am God. You sent me to this beautiful city of Miami. What now"? It's interesting that He sends you in a direction and you are so wrapped up in the details of getting there, finding the place to live, getting the utilities on, figuring out the budget, where to get groceries, school for the kids and where they will thrive, church and in what capacity God wants you to serve. Navigating a new city, new bank, utilities, getting internet up and running, cell phones freaking out and need trouble shooting, cars having issues and the cost to fix and/or replace parts...thinking about which one of these issues are priority and what can we live without.
And in my case, when I am anxious, I do not hide it. I get cranky. And then everything looks dark. And dark doesn't let you see the beauty of either your surroundings, people and even God. Anxiety is awful!!! And then you hurt the ones you love. They can't understand why you are acting like you are. Even you don't. Not right away. But I went to God and asked Him why I've been so cranky. And His presence always makes me cry. And while I'm sitting there crying my eyes out (and be glad you aren't here when that happens....it's the ugly snotty kind of crying that makes you reach for the roll of toilet paper nearby. The kind that clears your sinuses down to the roots), God tells me why. I've been anxious. Particularly about money. And He reminds me of His promises. And not only His promises like "blah blah blah", but His recent word to my heart as we were driving up to Bayshore Grove Apartments for the very 1st time the morning of my birthday on May 21st. On the way, I was talking to Him in my heart about the high cost of rent. And immediately He spoke to my heart these exact words "I knew these rents would be high when I sent you here and I will provide". Those direct words from God are ones that you never forget.
So why do we forget these things? If life would just throw one curve ball at a time, you could almost handle it on your own. But moving and knowing that one shouldn't spend more than 50% of your income on housing - in fact, ideally, it shouldn't be more than 25% of your gross income on top of everyone else reminding you of that fact in direct and indirect ways - it causes you to look away from Gods word to look/hear the other voices. Well those voices are not God's voice. When we listen to any other voice but Gods - even as we pray about what all the counselors around us are saying, we must stay with God's. He'll confirm what He says to you. Especially when you heard His voice clearly to begin with and have moved forward in that Word. Then whatever comes between that Word and that Word is a sandwich filling with empty calories. They do you no good. So in the face of extreme odds - people you love, family, even the things in life that try to sway you away from His Word - stick with His Word.
So you don't only get one problem at a time to handle. When you move away far from friends and family to an unknown place where you have to build a new community and be vulnerable to have others build you, it is almost like a rushing river is flowing and you are having to move in the opposite direction of that current. And there is no way, in your own power that you can handle everything hitting at once. Then here you are, weak. In need of God. And He promised that in our weakness He is strong. Then He tells you how to navigate, He empowers you and gives you fresh vision. How dim everything is without His vision! How very slow going things are without His vision and His hand guiding us. Our good Shepherd!
Sometimes we are standing in the wrong river! We are trying hard to push against the current. When we seek Him, He shows us. He is our Shepherd. He said He leads us beside still waters and restores our soul. He gives you courage. He gives you renewed Hope. He speaks to you and you are recharged.
He will provide. He will restore your soul. He will make you lie down in green pastures and lead you beside still waters. He will lead you in paths of righteousness for His name sake. Read Psalm 23. Oh how often His invitation "Come to me" is so desperately needed. "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I, even I, will lead you into rest".
That anxiety will roll back in His Presence! Anxiety is an enemy of God. It doesn't have a chance in His Presence. And apply often as needed. The invitation is always available 24/7 to come to Him. He will provide. He will make a way. He will show you. He will lead you. Seek Him 1st.
Well, I know for a fact I expect more out of myself and feel the pressure of the expectations of what others expect. But God isn't moved by those expectations. He will offer you clear guidance. He has reminded me of things like this:
"You just moved here. You are still getting your home together."
"You have your children and husband to care for and meals to prepare etc."
"You are going to be in Miami for awhile. You'll see all those beaches and visit those parks in time."
"You'll get a job no problem. Wait on my timing. I'll show you".
"You'll find all those new places to shop at and as each thing comes up, I'll guide you toward every decision. It isn't time for some of those things. Look at these certain things you have right now. One thing at a time".
See? God is practical. He isn't rushed by time and pressures. And yet He knows you have time constraints and pressures. He knows all your deadlines. And He says that His grace is sufficient for you. His grace is sufficient for you. Could I say it one more time? God says, "My grace is sufficient for you.."
And then apologize to those you love for being so cranky. I'm so thankful for my husband and children. They really love me and we really love it here in Miami. These hardships are not uncommon to moving to completely different areas. In fact, our hardships are not much compared to living overseas. Even moving across town has so many challenges. Thank you dear friends for all your prayers and concern for us. We love and miss you!
Here is a reminder from God's Word:
Philippians 4:6-8 ~ "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
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