Sitting With You

I sit with you
and you may not know 
that some do choose to understand
and feel
for what you're going through.

For all the times you 
feel alone
I know without a doubt
God has
His few in His employ
who take on His heart
and feel His pain,
His ache for you.

So look up friend.
Never for once doubt 
that He is there.
Feeling your pain.
Crying with you.

It feels overwhelming
and no one may know
or can process 
the thing you've experienced.
Only Him.

So sorry that human beings fail.
Maybe we should know
the mechanics 
of the intricacies 
of the soul and spirit,
the flesh and emotions
and all that is that.
But we still don't.

Maybe we push away
when we should pull close.
Maybe we shut down
and assume.
Maybe we feel too deeply
and wish just one knew.

But all that is too much
for any one soul
to comprehend.
Suffering is beyond words.

So we disconnect.
We harbor feelings 
and withdraw.
We act out
and hurt the ones 
who we truly love
or those most gentle.

But that's OK for now.
Rest friend.
Rest in the arms 
of the one who created you
in all the flesh and spirit,
emotion, personality and will.
He made you
and He can heal you
and transform you
and form Christ in you.

And I sit here with you.
Gods heart is so huge
for you.

