Creativity - The Cushion That Softens Life's Hard Edges
The scenery was like something out of a painting and most pleasant to view from the window in front of me. I have been awed this year by open fields of wildflowers here in my hometown and there was one laid out before me as I sat waiting for the hygienist to figure out how to position the X-ray plates into my mouth - one that has a genetic bone growth on the roof and an unclipped tongue issue. These plates were rectangular in shape with very square edges and there wasn't enough space in the roof of my mouth to hold them just so.
The main dentist, a wonderful woman with a soft, pleasant voice and a bright twinkle in her eyes, instructed the hygienist to place a soft roll of gauze over and under this X-ray plate so that it could be positioned better without causing me as much pain. She apologized for the long delay and for having to get creative due to the challenges of my mouth.
I was totally inspired by the challenge presented and her creativity in using the soft, rolled gauze. It truly helped hold those sharp plates in place just long enough for the pain to be manageable in the moments it took to take the pictures.
Isn't it sweet that we have the creativity of music to soften the harshness of life? My dentist creativity eased my pain and made the task possible. I can sit with my hammered dulcimer and play notes and the resounding melody brings my heart so much cheer. It lifts my spirit and gives me a thrill to know that I made something beautiful come from those strings. It helps give me a boost to go off and do the mundane with an extra little something in my step and a song in my mouth. Lifted spirits does that for people.
Have you ever stopped and wondered at the creativity you experience daily that makes your life a softer place? Think of the chefs that craft food in our local restaurants? They had a heart to be creative and were brave enough to create those dishes for others to enjoy. How about the new sculptures placed around town or the new coffee shop we have here that opened in March with beans roasted so fresh by a coffee-roasting mad-scientist? This same said creative who now makes fresh espresso "on tap" and uses fresh ingredients in the latte's? Look at all the people in our community who share their art, music, writing and ideas to make Goshen, Indiana a better place? Craft beer is just that... It is crafted for a unique flavor to be enjoyed by those who can appreciate the taste. I'm sure you could think of other personal ways in which creativity has sweetened or softened life's pain.
The main dentist, a wonderful woman with a soft, pleasant voice and a bright twinkle in her eyes, instructed the hygienist to place a soft roll of gauze over and under this X-ray plate so that it could be positioned better without causing me as much pain. She apologized for the long delay and for having to get creative due to the challenges of my mouth.
I was totally inspired by the challenge presented and her creativity in using the soft, rolled gauze. It truly helped hold those sharp plates in place just long enough for the pain to be manageable in the moments it took to take the pictures.
Isn't it sweet that we have the creativity of music to soften the harshness of life? My dentist creativity eased my pain and made the task possible. I can sit with my hammered dulcimer and play notes and the resounding melody brings my heart so much cheer. It lifts my spirit and gives me a thrill to know that I made something beautiful come from those strings. It helps give me a boost to go off and do the mundane with an extra little something in my step and a song in my mouth. Lifted spirits does that for people.
Have you ever stopped and wondered at the creativity you experience daily that makes your life a softer place? Think of the chefs that craft food in our local restaurants? They had a heart to be creative and were brave enough to create those dishes for others to enjoy. How about the new sculptures placed around town or the new coffee shop we have here that opened in March with beans roasted so fresh by a coffee-roasting mad-scientist? This same said creative who now makes fresh espresso "on tap" and uses fresh ingredients in the latte's? Look at all the people in our community who share their art, music, writing and ideas to make Goshen, Indiana a better place? Craft beer is just that... It is crafted for a unique flavor to be enjoyed by those who can appreciate the taste. I'm sure you could think of other personal ways in which creativity has sweetened or softened life's pain.
How thankful I am for the beautiful ways we have been given to bless each other and our community. And as I write, four doors down from where I live, a talented young couple plays music quite often in our community...just to share their creativity and make hearts glad. And that makes me smile.
Creativity truly is the soft cushion to ease some of the pain of this life.
Creativity truly is the soft cushion to ease some of the pain of this life.
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