For Every Brand New Material, There Calls for a Brand New Process and New Handling

I saw the guys struggling. With the shortage of the luann that is shipped here from Indonesia, there has been a new sheet of material called azdel that is similar in thickness to the luann but made much differently. That has seemed to be a good replacement - the qualities of the azdel even offering more insulating properties it seems.

But just this week, an even newer material has arrived. It is a rich blue-black color at its core and the outside has a soft-white exterior that is soft to the touch. The texture is similar to the look of small fluffy clouds highlighted by the light of the moon at night. It is very flexible and the gram weight of glue has needed to be increased from 14 grams to 16 grams. Imagine the stickiness factor the guys have to work with when both sides of this material are covered with the hot glue. It flexes as the guys who pull it from the glue machine (board pullers) sends one side of them across the table to the board catchers. Typically, catching each glue-laden piece isn't a difficult process. But this new material has been known to fall on the frame faster than the guys on the other side can catch the ends. And it sticks so badly to the fiberglass that it takes some doing to pull it up. Sometimes they've stuck so badly that the guys have had to cut the whole thing off with the glass and start all over. It's been difficult as a QC (quality control person) to watch the guys struggle. There has been complaining on the lines as you might well imagine. But all in all, the guys have been learning how to streamline the process of handling this newly added material with its extra weight of glue with an ingenuity you would be proud of. I know I am.

They haven't been able to flip the piece across the table like they normally do. So when the flex-board has only one side of glue, they have learned to flip it over onto the non-glued side and slide it across the table to the guys waiting and together they flip it on either end at the same time. When both sides have glue, it's still a sticky procedure (pun intended), but they are more careful to make sure it lands in the hands before it falls and sticks to anything and everything it touches.

But I have this time to watch and observe. Everything new takes a new way of handling and a new amount of glue for optimum bonding. It takes the leadership team to come alongside the guys when things go awry and find solutions to make this work. It takes scrutiny after the product is applied to the other components and run through the nip machine to make sure the bonding is doing well enough to keep using the product. There is extra special attention placed on the entire process from ensuring the thickness is enough, the humidity is right, that the stuff will have the right amount of glue to be able to stick and that the other parts it is applied to will bond with it well.

We are new creations. We are like this new material when we come to know Christ and take our first steps toward His heart. And as much care as we take on this earth of handling new material to build an RV, how much more care and concern does not the Heavenly Father take as He initiated the process of your bonding to His Kingdom and His Person. He is with you in every area, watching over you, walking with you through the painful trials when things just don't work out like they always have or should have. He listens to you fuss when things aren't ideal and you have to work a little harder to ensure things are done well. You are a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away and the new has come. You are the work of a new creation dear child of God! It's quite a process but in the end, you will be like Christ. The Spirit will ensure that you are formed, softened, molded and ready for living with Jesus for forever. When you see Him, you will be like Him. Yield to the process and trust the one who introduced you to this.
 "For He has made us what we are; because He has created us through our union with Christ Jesus for doing good deeds which He beforehand planned for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 (Williams Translation).

"For if anybody is in union (glued and bonded*) with Christ, he is the work of a new creation; the old condition has passed away, a new condition has come. This has all originated with God, for He through Christ has reconciled me to Himself and has given me the ministry of reconciliation."
2 Corinthians 5:17-18

*words added and not in the original verse
