Transformation Begins With The “Little” Things

It can sometimes feel like if you aren’t wowing the crowd or being the social butterfly or impressing the masses with your oratory skills that you aren’t much use to God,

but one thing I’ve learned, and I’ll keep this quite simple is that He delights in the little things. It’s those little changes you make as He speaks in His still small voice to your heart. You connect with Him in that moment and make the “little” change. It’s the times you could have been mad at someone and you heard His still small voice whispering to continue on in love and forgive. And though it wasn’t easy, His voice to your heart empowered you and you gave the injustice you felt, over to Him. And you moved forward and forgave.

It’s the times when you felt so passionately about something and as you were reading your bible, you heard Gods still small voice to your heart and He was encouraging you to see things from another viewpoint and you turned your heart over to Him and you gave Him the right to that passion. He moved in and filled you with His compassion.

It’s the little things dearly beloved when you turn to God in those precious and gentle little ways He speaks to you personally and you listened and the struggle was real but with God, all those things became possible in His powerful love. And all along you were being transformed by Him in those little things. Walking with Him began to be a joy and a reality. It was never the big and outward showy things that we sometimes are made to feel are the big things. It’s never about the pressure to perform and to be somebody. It all happened in the quiet of your heart in the closeness with Him. And everything began to change in you in big ways.

(The above inspired by this verse: “So, since we have such promises as these, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles our bodies and spirits,
and in reverence for God carry on our consecration to completeness.”
2 Corinthians 7:1)
