I Heard A Bird Sing
During the worship time this morning
where hearts were on Christ,
in my minds eye,
I saw a bird
that had been held
in its cage
being set free.
There is freedom
to be the person
God has called us to be
by His own glory and goodness.
The enemy will fight it.
But by the time
he sets out to do it,
it’s too late.
It means something has changed
and he is literally too late
to do anything.
When he shows his hand
it’s because the ball
is already rolling
and God’s desire
is set in motion.
And that is a good place.
Let the battle rage.
Let everything come full circle.
Even if things look like
you’ve taken the road around.
It’s isn’t as it appears.
Sometimes we are taken
full circle
so that we are shown
that He is the center
of all.
The earth circles each
and every day
to declare that the sun
is the center of it all.
Trust God with your life.
Go with His flow.
Trust the River of His Life.
Let Him take you full circle.
May your life orbit
around the Person of Him.
It all begins and ends with Him.
Some may laugh
and think nothing of you
and that is OK too.
It’s true.
We, me, us are nothing.
Nothing apart from Him.
And that is a good place
to stand in.
He sets in motion.
He holds the orbit of your life.
He brings you full circle.
Jesus is your center.
He is your Rock.
It is said that the gravity
of the sun
keeps the earth in its orbit
even though the sun is
92.96 million miles away.
That is some strong gravity
my friend.
where hearts were on Christ,
in my minds eye,
I saw a bird
that had been held
in its cage
being set free.
There is freedom
to be the person
God has called us to be
by His own glory and goodness.
The enemy will fight it.
But by the time
he sets out to do it,
it’s too late.
It means something has changed
and he is literally too late
to do anything.
When he shows his hand
it’s because the ball
is already rolling
and God’s desire
is set in motion.
And that is a good place.
Let the battle rage.
Let everything come full circle.
Even if things look like
you’ve taken the road around.
It’s isn’t as it appears.
Sometimes we are taken
full circle
so that we are shown
that He is the center
of all.
The earth circles each
and every day
to declare that the sun
is the center of it all.
Trust God with your life.
Go with His flow.
Trust the River of His Life.
Let Him take you full circle.
May your life orbit
around the Person of Him.
It all begins and ends with Him.
Some may laugh
and think nothing of you
and that is OK too.
It’s true.
We, me, us are nothing.
Nothing apart from Him.
And that is a good place
to stand in.
He sets in motion.
He holds the orbit of your life.
He brings you full circle.
Jesus is your center.
He is your Rock.
It is said that the gravity
of the sun
keeps the earth in its orbit
even though the sun is
92.96 million miles away.
That is some strong gravity
my friend.
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