What Holds Everything Together Must Be Solid

I am a recent newcomer to the world of wooden spool furniture. For some reason, wooden spools have captured my attention for quite sometime, but it was only recently, that a vision for what I could do with them came to mind. Shortly after that, I was able to snag about nine of them....that was the start of this spool journey. My son contributed some smaller spools as well. (Love my boys!)

As with all the things God leads you to do, He highlights eternally important things to you as you begin. These spools are held together with 3-4 (usually four), very long metal rods with threading on either end. Those run through the whole piece and the ends are held by threaded nuts. You’d think that these rods and nuts would be tightly in place but all of them that I’ve gotten have been loose. So you always have to begin any spool project with what holds the whole thing together. And you’d think that was a simple process. Oh no. To ensure that these spools are going to be securely tight and that security last for its whole future, several things must be considered. Screws that sit on top of the spool must have the ends pulled off and rods lowered to drill out a cavity in the wood for them to set level with the wood. Then the lowered rod at the bottom needs spacers added or wood added to account for the lowering. Then you have to have the right tools to screw both nuts on either side so that they are as tight against the wood as possible. After that, you don’t want these screws ever becoming loose, so there is lock-tite added to them and that is like a glue that keeps them from moving. So much goes into what holds the whole frame together. This is the point I want to make here. We always want to rush into making something a beautiful finished product but we have to pay careful attention to what holds everything together first. In our lives as people filled with Jesus, our foundation must be secure. It is something we must focus on, maintain and secure every single day.

We can work on this like Paul encourages us in Ephesians 6:10, “From now on you must grow stronger through union with the Lord and through His mighty power.”

“You must be deeply rooted, your foundations must be strong, so that you with all God’s people may be strong enough to grasp the idea of the breadth and length, the height and depth, yes, to come at last to know the love of Christ, although it far surpasses human understanding, so that you may be filled with the perfect fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19

Sometimes we want that perfect fullness of God by doing it all backwards. Like my wooden spools, if I just jumped ahead and put on all the pretty things and then talked about how strong my spool is.....that would just be talk. We can’t rush into the pretty and fun stuff and then talk about Christ as our firm foundation. We must begin and end with Him. Whatever comes from that will be as it may. But we must return to the foundation and the foundation alone. As the cherished hymn we all know and love says, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.” ALL other ground is sinking sand.
