The Beauty of Building Friendship

I love the moment
when I feel comfortable with you
and you feel comfortable with me.

It takes time to build trust,
to get used to another
and barriers begin breaking down.

It takes a bit of work
to watch the reactions
of what is spoken and how.

It takes perseverance
and desire to change
to put another before yourself.

The rewards are so great!

Study those you are with.
Take notes.
Watch what they enjoy
and avoid the things they don't.

Life isn't easy.
It's journey can be rough.
And no one really knows the struggle.

But gentle and loving,
others-centered friendship
can soften the blows.

There is a soft place to fall
and safety,
in a carefully guarded trust.

Listen to the other.
Feel their pain with them.
Take them seriously
and at the same time,
make them laugh.

Enjoy one another.
Love with all your heart.
Take nothing for granted.
Pray for one another
and find healing.

Faithful are the wounds
of a friend who knows you
better than anyone else.

Hold hands.
Make some time.
Do all you can.
Be delicately honest
as you listen to God.

He does so much for our good.
Lord, help us not to sabatoge
your goodness
in our friendships.

Thank you for showing me
all the ways that I did,
and helping me.
When you expose the lie,
it can't hide anymore
because no darkness
can abide in your light.

In Jesus name.
