Beauty For Ashes

Who ever thought
or could ever think up
beauty coming out of ashes?

Ashes are the result
of something that once was
and now has been burnt up.
There is nothing left
to tell what is was.

But isn't it something.
God can take ashes
and turn them into beauty...
into something beautiful.
Something of real substance 
that is lasting and solid.

He did that for us!

Last night made my heart so happy.
Three friends coming together
and bygones are bygone.
History is history.

We enjoyed something 
that rarely happens.
And it was Divine!!
Love and forgiveness,
the substance of eternity
flowed like a river.

We ate together,
hugged one another,
laughed, enjoyed a trip
to the grocery store
and loaded a cart with 
coffee and creamers
and even some lighter fluid.

Eyes sparkled.
Smiles never stopped.
Coming together 
was like slowly sipping 
delicious coffee
loaded with whipped cream.
And we did that
while listening to music together.

It was like time 
never skipped a beat.

We prayed together.
We shared some thoughts
of how we'll miss one another.
We took snapshots
to look back and remember 
Gods amazing goodness.

Bon voyage my dear friends.
We couldn't do this without you.
If you had failed miserably 
at this love thing,
we might have been too afraid
to leave.
But you did it well,
so well, we have courage to run
and share this love with others!
Well done my friends!
Well done!

Love you always
and for all eternity!
Eternity awaits more of the same
and it only gets better!
