What Does It Take To Be A Good Friend?

When I think of what it takes
to be a good friend,
the first thing I think about
is courage.  Lots and lots
of courage.

If you are engaging with another,
you've got to believe
that you have something to offer
or else why bother?

So to some extent, 
you believe in yourself,
you have faith that in spite
of the fact that you know
you don't have all the answers 
and have no idea what's ahead,
you move forward anyway.

Say you've burned some bridges
in past relationships 
and so you do know what is ahead.
You've got an idea of the stages
and basic steps found 
in making friends
and you reach out, initiate
and do a friendship again.
Oh my goodness,
this is why I say it takes courage.

You already know:
You will be hurt.
You will be disappointed.
You will give more than you get.
You will have conflict.
You will be seen for who
you really are.
And you will be knocked off
the friends pedestal at some point.
You will disappoint the other.
You will hurt someone.
You will have to say you are sorry.
You'll have to be vulnerable
to make it work.
You will be accountable
and have to listen with all your heart.
You will make huge sacrifices.

Is it any wonder that true friendship
is hard to find?
It is hard work on your side
as well as theirs.

So when you find one -
a person willing to go 
that extra mile;
remember the courage it takes
and give them lots of grace.
Give yourself grace too.

It is the hardest thing
you'll ever in your life do.
But I guarantee,
it will be the thing that brings
the most reward.
You'll grow leaps and bounds
and find out stuff about yourself
you never knew before.

So pray for courage.
Reach out and give yourself.
Find yourself.
Don't give in to fear.
Tell that fear to go.
You won't have it.

It's so worth it!
