Living A Life Of Grace
like the song.
Isn't it amazing?
It chose to understand
the need of the human race.
It didn't wait until
we were deserving.
It was freely given.
And it acted in selfless love.
It layed down it's life
for the sake of another
without waiting to be asked
or pleaded with.
It's actions covered
a multitude of sins
and drew close for sweet
Had it not been for this sweet grace,
God would have looked
like so many we see today
full of religion.
These demand that we sign
a list of rules and agreements
before it even knows who we are
or have cared to draw close.
And if you break one
of those rules,
you are toast
and completely done.
Eyes darkened
and deceitful lies from
the very beginning
and yet it points at you
and cries out "guilty!"
It was built on rule
and bound by rule.
Rule has no grace
and no light by which to see
like a prison without windows.
It hates the very light
and love and friendship
that freedom rings.
It hates the wide open spaces
and comradery.
It finds the ones who live
in similar prisons of darkness
and there it mutters
and whispers together,
all stuck in the same graceless society.
You ones saved by Grace through faith,
I implore you to run far far away.
Don't ever fear their threats
and their dark mutterings.
Keep yourself in the love of God.
To know Him is to have found
amazing Grace
and to know Him
is to know how to share
that sweetness with others.
Seriously graceless religion?
Do you truly believe
that you can control people
by being brittle and cold?
Do you think that the thing
they've not had modeled,
they are going to be able
to go out and show others?
People will share
what they've been shown.
Grace shown will beget grace.
Mercy shown will beget mercy.
Humility in the face of your rule
being broken and the blessing
of forgiveness and understanding
will beget forgiveness
and understanding.
Don't you see?
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