My Time With A Special Guest
She was on loan.
We enjoyed being a bridge of sorts;
available for her use.
You see, God provides great care
for His ones who step out in faith.
He orders their steps
and those come freshly delivered
at just the right moments.
Momentum requires movement
and movement requires
territory to advance forward.
God is the enlarger of territories.
He promises His boundary lines fall in "pleasant places".
I arrived at the Tri-Rail station
and anticipated this young lady's arrival.
The bus pulled in and I excitedly
sent a message "I see Megabus!
Right on time!"
And then I saw you.
And we smiled to lay eyes
for the first time.
Suitcase loaded in back
and onto the highway we began,
heading North to my place,
fondly known from our shared friends'
visit in the past as "Miami Slice".
The road home flew by
as only two women
who chat together excitedly
can experience.
I barely saw the familiar scene's.
This was your very 1st visit to Miami.
The knowledge of this fact was now keen.
I was excited for whatever was ahead that you would experience
while with me.
Never more pleased
to have a hungry guest...
warmed up homemade chicken
noodle soup, buttered bread
and Cuban drink our family enjoys
called "Materva".
It tastes like cream soda.
I think you found a new favorite.
Sweet rest and pizza night,
you warmed up Audrey's seat at couch
and that was a fun delight.
It wasn't long and the day was spent.
Goodnight in order
and open kitchen policy explained
before I left.
Amazed at the skill you have
to not be awakened once asleep!
Next day, 78 degree's
and Miami sun so bright,
we enjoyed fresh from the oven
banana bread
and morning cup of Nespresso
on the balcony.
The warm tropical breezes
flowed through our hair as we sat
side by side on porch swing
with a second hot cup of coffee
and continued conversation
in sight of palm tree's, ocean view
and high rises.
"Did you ever think you'd be here?",
we wondered aloud.
"Look at all the places you've been
and where this journey
is taking you next."
Each day is full of adventure
for this beloved daughter of God.
Packing sandwiches, plantain chips,
soda and beach gear,
we head off to Key Biscayne
(where Matt Damon & Jaime Fox live)
and to Crandon Park
where the beach is the best.
You loved the view as we went along.
Then the turquoise waters
lay stretched before your eyes,
and the wide sandy beach
found you mesmerized.
Set up our beach gear
and beach umbrella we tried.
The wind a little too gusty.
But we raced toward the water
and splashed it around our feet.
It was a great day to be alive.
Jellyfish. Iridescent blue lined
the outer reaches of the tide.
They looked to us like living balloons.
We wondered how the swimmers fared
if out in the water filled with the jellies.
We treaded some of the ocean
as the tide pulled out to sea
but very cautious of blue floaties.
One last walk along beach
and then back to gather our things.
Last pictures taken and sea goodbye's.
Back in car and windows down.
It feels like summer outside
and life is good.
Back to our slice
and yummy banana bread snack,
big glass of milk
for milk loving friend.
And goodbye's to the kids
and down the elevator to 1st floor.
From Miami to Californiain in one day,
what a score.
We go to metro rail
and enjoy each lasting minute.
Snap picture and last parting hug.
You'll be back dear friend.
I simply know.
Thanks for coming
and hanging out.
Thank you for your love shared
and praying a blessed trip!
Don't forget
Keep that printable
journal/photo album going
for this major adventure of yours!
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