The Nicest Surprise In The Mail
I wait until after 6:00pm most days
to go downstairs where all the mailboxes
for our apartment complex
are set into the wall next to the managers office on the ground floor.
Our box is number 517.
Today, I go down the elevator
and walk up to my mailbox
and was instantly delighted
to find it full of mail.
There was my bi-monthly package
of razor blades.
There were the usual weekly ads,
our electric bill
and something else was in there.
It was a small priority package
and I looked
and saw it was addressed to me.
I was further delighted to see
that it was from a good friend of mine
from Indiana.
I walked into the front lobby
and settle into one
of the four comfortably stylish seats
and opened this package.
I smiled as the first thing I saw
was a music CD
and I love these CD's from my friend.
And then there was a little frame
with a picture of Terry & I in it
from our 21st anniversary.
And a sweet card with a letter
in her wonderful handwriting.
Dear friend, thank you
for this surprise.
I think God knew I needed
an extra touch of His love today.
And it was an extra special touch
because it came from you.
I know that no one can hear this enough.
I appreciate your friendship.
You have been there like a tree.
I had a tree in the front yard
of our home in Elkhart.
It was there every morning
through the hot summer,
shading our yard from the sun.
It was there in the fall
as the cold nights turned the leaves
into beautiful shades of orange,
yellow and red.
It was there through the winter
when the ice and snow
covered everything.
And every spring.
That tree, simply because
it never moved
was such a comfort to me.
I would often sit and gaze
or one could find me sitting under it.
I miss that tree.
And I miss you too dear friend.
Thank you.
Our family loves
and appreciates you.
I think I'll hug you extra tight
next time I see you.
And hopefully, you will get to come
to see me here in Florida
for your very 1st time someday!
You will love the beaches
and unique historical places here.
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