Spring Forward Birthday Girl

This day dawned differently 
than in years past.
1,300 miles separate us.
I don't know what the weather was like
when you woke up
or if flowers were peeking 
through the dirt.
I don't know if snow clung stubbornly
in an attempt to hold onto winter.
I didn't get to see your face
or make plans to spoil you
with special food and outing.
I do know that you 
were in my heart today.
It's always exciting to me 
the day you turn another year older.
Birthdays are sweet times to celebrate
the awesome day of your birth.
And know sweet friend,
that when anyone is in my heart
and on my mind,
there are prayers going out.
I so wished to be there.
But I know our Savior is there.
With you.
I know He is blessing you
with all that He is 
and He knows the ache.
Knowing that, gave me good comfort today.
Spring forward dear friend!
Spring forward into the glorious 
freedom and liberty that is the heritage
of a daughter of God
on this special day of your birth.
Thirty-one is still so young.
I couldn't let this day go
without a special time of writing.
You are my dear and close friend.
And I'm so happy 
because you are cherished.
Happy birthday Maria!
