Sunshine and my Nieces Eyes

My niece came out to where I sat
in the sunroom.
Two wicker chairs sit in the corner
with a little glass table between them.
She sat in the one 
where the sun shone brightly.
She commented on her state of being.
The light on her face 
made her big blue eyes seem like diamonds
and I enjoyed face to face with her
as the sun lit it up.
We remarked how light is good.
In the winter, it is great to find
a patch of sunlight and sit in it.
The sunshine makes you feel happier.
The sun also makes your skin 
produce a good vitamin
that dispels dark feelings.
She smiled as we reflected on the sun
and it's benefits.
Her cheeks full of freckles
I have tried to rub off multiple times
to take some home with me on my skin.
But how radiant was everything
about my beautiful niece
while she sat in the sun -
both inside and out.
She gave her heart to Christ
the week before last at camp.
She sparkles with Sonshine.
And all are blessed.
