Everyone Wants to Be The Hero
We have this deep need.
We like to watch them on TV.
We like to step in to great need,
We'll go to great lengths to be seen.
Everyone wants to be a hero.
What if being the hero
is doing the things
for the least of these?
The ones who aren't grateful?
Doing the daily routine
and the same-o, same-o?
What if it was being faithful
at that same monotonous task
day in and day out?
Those things no one really thinks
is grand
and no one knows about
but you and God?
Someday, we will hear the words,
"Well done, my good and faithful servant".
All along it wasn't the spotlight,
the accolades, the applause
and praise of men in lofty positions.
It wasn't the recognition of a ministry
that you put all your effort into
and let the public know
every charitable thing
so as to gain more from them.
It isn't any of that.
It is being faithful to God
as His servant wherever you are at.
Seek first the kingdom of God.
He said to pray
HIS kingdom come,
HIS will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
All that is man's kingdom will crumble
and fall like houses built on sand.
All that is His is built on a rock.
The wind can buffet,
the waters can rise.
It will stand because it was built
on the rock.
Just like the song:
"On Christ the solid rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand."
He is the hero.
We are under His command.
Be faithful to Him
as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
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