No Pain, No Gain

When things have hurt so bad,
it changes you.
When things have hurt so bad,
it changes everything.
I don't trust myself like I used to.
I can't pray out loud so confidently 
or speak for God like I used to.
I don't want to do anything
like I used to.
And the only thing that matters,
the only thing I feel that counts,
is genuine heart connection 
with God.
And even with that I could never say
I have a handle on it.
Faith truly is the substance
of things hoped for.
Faith is the evidence of things 
not seen.
The trial or stress of faith 
is truly the ground worth standing on.
It is much more precious than gold.
For from that precious faith
in who God is,
results in praise, honor and glory
when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Maybe the saying truly is true,
"no pain, no gain."
If the pain, the trial, the suffering
can bring us down low
to where we see our desperate need
for God alone,
is it not worth it all?
