Our Salvation is Our Unchanging Faithful God

One thing always makes me smile
when times are difficult 
and answers aren't coming;
when you sit with God
and share your heart
in the quiet morning.

God is never changing.
He is a core of solid perfection.
He is so holy, pure and righteous
that for eternity all mouths
cry out and worship Him
for who He is.

And it gets me thinking.
I am a person.
I'm not the "I AM WHO I AM"
but I am who I am.
There is no one like me
in my looks, my disposition,
the little things and the big ones.

As I sit outside this morning 
enjoying Proverbs chapter one,
I realize that my faithful,
solid-rock God
desires me to be like Him.

I am not like Him yet.
And yet,
He is working in me 
to will and do His good pleasure.

Our Beloved Salvation
is working in us 
as we work out this salvation
He has given us.

Salvation is God Himself. 
Salvation is letting God work in us
to do His will
and His good pleasure.

At one time we were alienated
and without God.
We could not please Him
at all on our own.
Whether we were very good 
and did really good things.
Whether we were bad 
and did really bad things.
There was no way to please God.

But Salvation came.
He came in the form of man.
He was in very nature God
and also fully man.
He humbled Himself 
and became obedient.
He became obedient to death,
even death on a cross.

He became the doorway,
our Salvation.
He became the bridge
between God and man.
There was no way to the Father

No way at all.

We had no hope at all.
We lived in the desire 
of our own selves,
to please our own selves.

Salvation came.
God.  The unchanging God.
He became for us wisdom
and righteousness and holiness.

Through Jesus,
we have a Salvation so great.
It is so great that even angels
and long to look into these things.

What is man that God is mindful of us?

Man is Gods precious creation
and loved beyond words -
loved by action so breathtaking 
that nothing rivals the story
of history that Jesus came
and died on a cross
to take away the sin of the world.

Now we have favor 
and free access
and an introduction to all of heaven
and I was reminded this morning 
that I am a NEW CREATION.

God Himself has made us 
NEW CREATIONS in Christ Jesus.

Faithful, holy, pure, righteous,
solid, unchanging God
is doing in us and making us like Him.
By faith we believe this
in spite of what we may see
or feel or what others see or feel
about us.

You believe this.  By faith.
Continue in this faith.
Be rooted and grounded daily
in God.
You have Salvation.  God Himself.
He is the unchanging rock 
and that core of who God is,
is working IN YOU.
That is salvation.
Your Salvation is active,
alive.  The Word of God.
Don't give in to doubt
but get into the bible daily
and read and cry for all you hear in it.
And let God share His heart with you. 
