"Baby, Let's Plan On Forever"

There are those times
when you talk with God
and it's so gut-wrenching and real.
It's honest.  It's open.
It's a longing to be
who He wants you to be
and to please Him 
the way He desires.
You know you fall so very short.
And as you pour out your heart,
you remember certain verses
like this one:
"Love The Lord your God
with all your heart, soul, mind
and strength."
You say to God,
"God, I see that you want me
to love you, and you alone
with ALL my heart.  
ALL is 100%.  
I want to love you like that -
not divided, having no other gods
or passions in my heart 
for something or someone else..."

The times connecting with God
are truly very personal
and the connection is truly unique
between you and Him.

Soon after, I picked up my bible
to read Romans and linger
on the words I was reading.
And I realized lyrics were playing
in my mind over and over.

These were a line from a song
from one of my favorite movies -
"The Wedding Planner".
The only part I can really remember is,
"Baby, let's plan on forever..."

And I finally realize the words 
playing in my mind.
God was speaking to me
with those words.

"Baby, let's plan on forever.."
And my heart got excited.
I can plan on forever with my
most precious God.
As the tears fell to know 
He wanted to convey this to me,
I said to Him,
"Yes, I do so want to enjoy forever
with you."

I am His daughter.
I forget that sometimes when life
is so very tough
and things don't work out
the way you plan
and you feel you aren't as far along
as you should be
in the eye's of man.
There are teens to raise 
and marriage to maintain
and pressures of this and that.

Baby, let's.
Let's plan on forever
precious God.
You and me.
Me and you.
