The Age Old Question, "Is God Enough"?
One of the biggest temptations
of the human heart
and one that needs not much coaxing
to bring the answer into existence,
"Is God Enough?"
You see, it was the sly question
that brought about a reaching for more
in it's response.
It began in the garden of Eden
as a snake stirred it up.
"Did God really say....?"
Was it enough to simply know God
in the cool of the day
or were you missing out
on something else besides?
"You could know good....,"
as if that was enough of a reason
to partake of something besides their God.
It is a good thing right?
"....and evil."
What was that the snake just said?
"Am I missing out on something?"
The temptation begins forming thoughts.
"Is God hiding something from me
and am I just too naive sitting here
and simply trusting Him?"
"Maybe my husband knows something
I don't know? He was here on earth
before I was?"
Eve could have contemplated so much.
There is that temptation to look beyond,
to wonder what's out there
especially when you see others
thriving and applauded as they pursue
their own happiness and
the American dream.
"Did God really say....?"
When the snake whispers words
such as these into your ear,
remember Adam and remember Eve.
They both had God walking with them
each and every day.
They had it all.
The snake who speaks the language
called "lie" is only a detractor from God
and never adds anything to Him.
In your struggle each day,
remember whose you are
and who He is.
He is enough.
His fullness is yours.
His Kingdom is come in you
as you continue to believe Him
and walk with Him daily.
No, you won't miss out on anything.
Knowledge of good and evil
is something God alone can sort.
Isn't it enough to have our heart set
in one place? On Him?
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