Eagerly Waiting
Today, (February 13th), on our way home from Sarasota, the kids and I stopped at Chick-fil-a. Trying to decide whether we should eat in or not, we noticed the long line of cars wrapped around the building. Deciding not to wait in the long drive-through line, we found one last spot in the parking lot marked "compact cars only". Inside, we found a line just as long as the one outside wrapped all the way along the side of the cashiers and we hesitated. Knowing that eating in wasn't going to be an option because it was so crowded and my kids enjoy a quiet atmosphere like I do, I was pleased to see unused tables outside in the beautiful Sarasota warmth and sunshine. We made our way to the end of the long line of hungry folks. I tried to console my hungry daughter that this wouldn't take terribly long and she wondered aloud why everyone had to know that this food was so good. I agreed. Too many knew about this place. :) Then before we knew it, it was time for our order to be taken.
The kids went outside to grab the only table with a spot in the sun for me (with spots under the table umbrella that were shaded for them). While they sat out there, I went back in to wait for our food. As I was waiting, I observed how everyone was so patient for their food. There was an endless amount of drive-through orders, many who had already ordered but were waiting like I was and a long line waiting to place their order at the counter. You'd think with all this traffic, people would be complaining, impatient, shifty, maybe even some with frowns on their faces. But no. Everyone was so orderly and patient. Everyone waiting for their food were ready and attentive when their names were called. Everyone calmly ordered their food when it was their turn. And it got me thinking.
Everyone was patiently waiting because they were hungry and the food is so good. Everyone knows the food tastes good. And because of that, they were willing to wait patiently yet eagerly for it. Their hope for good food was soon to be rewarded.
And it reminded me of a verse in that moment about this very thing.
"But a hope that is seen is not real hope, for who hopes for what he actually sees? But if we hope for something we do not see, we keep on patiently waiting for it." Romans 8:25
If we can wait patiently here on earth for some food because we know it's good, how much more, HOW MUCH MORE, should we also wait patiently for our hope? A hope that is seen is not real hope. Those chicken sandwiches we ordered are real and soon to be seen.
Wait patiently dear friend. "Indeed, to carry out the will of God and to receive the blessing He has promised, you need endurance..." Hebrews 10:36
"So be patient, brothers, until the coming of The Lord. See how the farmer keeps on waiting and waiting for the precious crop from his land;
how he keeps up his patience over it until he gets the early and late rains.
You must be patient, too; you must put iron into your hearts, because the coming of The Lord is close at hand. Stop muttering against one another, brothers, so as to keep from being judged yourselves.
You have heard how patiently Job endured and have seen how the Lord finally blessed him, because the Lord is tenderhearted and merciful." James 5:7-9, 11
And while you wait, look to Jesus and let this mind be in you that was also in Him. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, despising it's shame and is now set down at the right hand of God. Consider His example. Don't grow weary in your waiting. Keep up your hope! Because what is coming is better than a chicken sandwich. "But, as the Scripture says, they are:
'Things which eye has never seen
and ear has never heard,
And never have occurred to human hearts,
Which God prepared for those who love Him.'
For God unveiled them to us through His Spirit, for the Spirit by searching discovers everything, even the deepest truths about God.
Now we have not received the spirit that belongs to the world but the Spirit that comes from God, that we may get an insight into the blessings God has graciously given us." 2 Corinthians 2:9-10, 12
"This hope we have as an anchor for our souls, secure and safe, which reaches up behind the heavenly veil, where Jesus has blazed the way for us and became a High Priest..."
Hebrews 6:19
"...so Christ (think of Him as a big, juicy, chicken sandwich - only more so our eternal food) was offered once for all to take away the sins of many, but again He will appear, without having anything to do with sin, to save those who are EAGERLY WAITING FOR HIM to bring them (not a chicken sandwich but...) final salvation." Hebrews 9:28
(That's my juicy chicken sandwich spiritual analogy. Love when God shows us things in parallel. So timely for me too.)
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