Friendship - An Oasis in the Desert of Life
I know the world is full of needs.
I know that we are all off
trying to fulfill our own destinies.
I know that the things we
are all involved in will never cry,
"you've had a hard day or year.
Take a week off."
No, it's more and more
and take and take.
It is never enough of all
you can give to it.
For no amount of work we do
in and for this world
will ever cry "enough".
But there is a sweet and tender
silver lining in the war
for what truly needed in the heart
of every man and woman.
Lay aside the agenda,
the fight for the cause
and the need to herald to all
like the voice of a mocking bird.
Lay aside the ambition
and the strife, the conflict
over what we struggle for
in this decaying perishing world.
I sat with a friend.
She heard my heart
about my fears and failures,
my dreams and hopes.
She didn't judge me,
related with me on many
of the broad strokes and scope.
She sat with me
and she laughed with me.
I knew some of the things I said
were just plain crazy
but she knew that we all
have the need for our souls to breath
and get the crazies out in the open
and hear that we are normal
and that the other feels like that too.
And we leave each other blessed
and refreshed.
Come what may you life filled
with stress and pain.
I find the joy in the gentle
and loving friendships
where souls can sigh
and be tenderly embraced
and nurtured with
patient listening ears
and understanding that flows
like the peaceful river
and hope is applied like
a fragrant and healing cream
to dry, cracked skin.
Oh may we find this oasis often
in the desert of life.
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