God's Home Is Our Love For Each Other

I love the idea of a friend 
becoming family.
I love the process that occurs 
and that time when
the friendship becomes open
and isn't obscured.
I love that God Himself
is the key to connections 
and intersections 
and loving interventions.
He fits people together
for a beautiful picture 
of living colors 
and stones fitted to build 
a home for Himself 
to call His own.

I love the thought that God
is making each of us -
fitly joined together as living stones
to become His habitation.

So don't think of those around you
as the pebble in your shoe
or the weed to be plucked out 
by the root.

Instead, think of the picture 
of a big beautiful building.
And the more you embrace God,
the more He works in you
and those around you 
to become His dwelling
where He longs to place His name
and dwell there
and be called your God
and you, His chosen people.


Do your thing God.
May I be your willing stone,
your clay to be molded,
yours and yours alone.
