The Battle Is Real - Regard Your Reactions Carefully

I dare to say that all of us
have the need to point out
the things in others
that make us uncomfortable
with the hopes
that they will stop
and our suffering will be

But what if
what someone does
or how they word things
that is uncomfortable to you
is your key to something
that may need inner healing?

I heard someone say one time
that when you kick
a dead man,
that man does not
kick back.
He is dead.

Sometimes I think
that we shy from those
speaking from a genuine heart
of what Christ did for them
in the awkward way it comes out,
because we all need to figure out
how to live out
our most beautiful
and precious faith.

This life is not about
how the old man
with its old nature
can find a way
to be comfortable
and be like the world
so that we are liked
and respected.*

This life is for the purpose
of coming into
the sweetest fellowship
with Jesus Christ.

To love Him,
to cherish Him,
to put Him first in all things.
To never be ashamed of Him
or laugh at those who try
to do that even at the expense
of looking or sounding strange.

A relationship with Jesus
is a very real thing.
And when you are working out
a bond between flesh
and Spirit,
do you think
it's going to look like a person
who just goes about
with his/her thoughts
on living for this life only?

Absolutely not.

Death isn't easy.
Our old life was crucified
with Christ.
It has to conform
and be transformed
by the renewing of the mind
in God's Word
and washed by the same.

Imitating the world is not
going to change the world.

Beholding God
and becoming a mirror
of His life and love
in His righteousness
and becoming thoroughly
satisfied in Him
and having the outflow
of His Life released through us
to where He alone shines through
and He is seen
and He is glorified.

Ah friends, this is Life eternal -
To know Him.

A seed cannot bear fruit
unless it first falls into the ground
and dies alone.
But when it does,
it produces much fruit.

As often as you will
be persecuted and laughed at
for having the courage
to speak about Jesus,
is to remember that He
was also persecuted
and laughed at
in this world that only
recognizes its own.
Jesus came with freedom
and news of another Kingdom.

For that,
He was crucified.

No one of this world
puts up with anyone
from another Kingdom.
That is the battle we face
in this world.

*As obedient children, stop molding your character by the evil desires you used to cherish when you did not know any better..." 1 Peter 1:14
