What Is Your Current Struggle?

I struggle from time to time. Some things are just a current struggle of the day. Some things are ongoing struggles. And sometimes the current struggle can feel like it’s one that is a forever struggle when it’s only temporary. Women have struggles related to their cycles and wrapped up in emotions.

What is your current struggle? Is it feelings of insecurity? Is there a fear that you won’t be enough and be a disappointment to others? Is it that you aren’t doing enough or maybe that you are doing too much?

Maybe it’s a worry about the future and what you should do or how you are going to pay for your child’s college education or provide for their needs in ways that seem overwhelming to you.
I don’t know about you, but struggles nag and gnaw at you on the inside. You can try and ignore it and hope it goes away by keeping busy, or directing your mind on other things. You can try and drown them out by social activity and having fun.

But what effectively works in handling a struggle so that you have the issue settled? Even though the struggle may try from time to time to come back, it doesn’t have a hold on you anymore.

Sometimes I have days where I like to think deeply on stuff. It’s usually on days I’m not thinking over-confidently about myself. I’m in comfortable, just-me-as-I-am, mode. These are moments I feel very safe to think about the struggle I’m facing.

I remember a recent break-through in one of those struggles. This has been a long-term one and when I finally talked to God about it, I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Him rather quickly. He conveyed to my heart that what had been plaguing my mind for so long was the enemy trying to get me to believe a lie. This struggle had occurred for so long because of this lie and the devil had wanted me to continue believing it to keep me down so that I couldn’t believe the real Truth and walk in the freedom of the Truth and then I’d be a threat to the powers of darkness. Because once you know the Truth, the truth will set you free.

Maybe most struggles are a lie that we had no idea we are believing. But that is why, we shouldn’t take any of them lightly and talk to God personally about them. I sure wish I had done this sooner! God blew this one away with His amazing words to my heart!
