I Yelled At The Devil Today

It has been a loooonnnng weekend. Something hit me hard Friday and it knocked the health out of me. I was couch-ridden for way too many hours and frustrated because nothing gets done when I’m down. The rains that fell all weekend made me a little grateful that at least I wasn’t missing anything outdoorsy.

But this morning, as I began to pull this ole, weak body up and desperately wanted to get it going, I became so frustrated by lungs not able to suck in deeply, throat that is still fragile enough that I don’t dare talk above a whisper. My muscles just sluggish and achy. All this pent-up frustration came out in a muster of all my strength and I yelled and rebuked this crappy sickness in the name of Jesus. But I did it angrily. And then I had a very intimate time letting Jesus know I was sorry for doing that in anger but I do so need His healing touch.

Sometimes, and I don’t mean this in a religious “You should do this or that”, when something has seemed to overtake you and cripple your effectiveness, be angry and don’t sin. I yelled at the devil and loudly rebuked this sickness - and although, the symptoms themselves haven’t completely left, I feel better on the inside. My emotions feel stronger somehow and my spirit feels lighter.....like something was conquered in the spiritual realm. So that’s my story today. I yelled at the devil and feel much better....on the inside. And I am outside on my porch soaking in the warm breezes rustling though the changing leaves of my redbud tree and moving the hair across my face. That couch will not have me today......no, not on my watch!
