A River Runs Through The Deepest Valley

Sometimes when we face
a deep, dark valley
in the course of our lives,
it can be hard.
We may want to climb out
and quickly find relief
from whatever it is
that got us there.
But remember dear friends,
and realize in those dark moments;
Almost all of the deepest
and darkest valley’s
have a river flowing through them.
Step in.
Forget what got you there.
A river is often spoken of
in the Bible as Gods Presence.
Water of life runs from His throne.
It is there for you
dear child of God
to tap into.
Let it overflow you.
Get lost in it.
Allow the circumstances that loom
to be a fading memory
washed away
in the joy that begins
to flood your soul.
Take advantage of your valley
and soak in the river provided.
Just for you.

[the photo is in deep green foothills at the edge of a vast area of desolate and much higher mountains at the sparsely populated, far Northern region of India].
