The Night Pierced By Light
I had never been to Wellfield Botanic Garden before....a fact that I found to be quite a discovery in my recent love of all things beautiful. Gardens have attracted me so much in recent years. But quite grateful to have found a most beautiful place right here near my hometown. The first time I visited was this year - a day after my birthday. My sis had taken me out for dinner and she mentioned going and Tuesday’s just happen to be free entry. And it was Tuesday. We had about an hour after eating to go. And on a beautiful spring evening, the light of the sun lingered and cast soft, evening light upon this first unveiling of my eyes to this paradise. And I fell in love.
Varying flowers grow at varying times in the seasons and the ones budding and blooming on this first visit were spectacular. It was the best evening with my sis for my birthday a girl could ever have. I was able to capture some photo’s that made my soul happy....dreamy photo’s that cause your heart to linger long after the moment fades. I could have stayed there for days. Too bad time can’t be stopped in magical moments like one scrambles quickly to gaze and capture in fading light before the closing hour.
I was blessed to go back a couple more times in the summer. Once was for a “Taste of the Gardens” event where I won tickets and some garden bucks to use at the craft booths. My husband joined me for this one.
Varying flowers grow at varying times in the seasons and the ones budding and blooming on this first visit were spectacular. It was the best evening with my sis for my birthday a girl could ever have. I was able to capture some photo’s that made my soul happy....dreamy photo’s that cause your heart to linger long after the moment fades. I could have stayed there for days. Too bad time can’t be stopped in magical moments like one scrambles quickly to gaze and capture in fading light before the closing hour.
I was blessed to go back a couple more times in the summer. Once was for a “Taste of the Gardens” event where I won tickets and some garden bucks to use at the craft booths. My husband joined me for this one.
In December, Wellfield dresses some of their trees and foliage in light and welcomes the community to come out from 5:30-8:30pm to enjoy the magic and reclaim some time in the gardens lost to cold and shortened days. My heart was drawn to these nights but it just didn’t work out to go until the very last night that this event was available. That was last Saturday night. And I was able to go. And my sweet husband joined me. We dressed warmly, made sure we had our camera’s and joined many others in the community who came.
It was cold. Cold enough for the skin of ones face to stiffen but not so cold as to completely dampen the bright eyes and smiles that can come when one enjoys a beautiful time with someone they love.
My husband always carries his armstrong heater as he calls it. He places one arm around me and keeps me warm. The hot chocolate we both held kept fingers warm for a time as we followed the winding path. A night lit up by colorful lights that outlined the shape of trees and fence rows and lawn edges. The fire’s lit and chairs set around. The sounds of people together in the night. The quickened pace to stay warm and the times of stopping to capture some light. These are things you just don’t experience very often. When the heart is drawn to something and that heart longing doesn’t stop, one can consider the reasons why. I always feel God is speaking to me and telling me to pay attention. We too often think some things are just our own inspiration but it is Him that put certain longings in there to delight us and show us things by experience. God isn’t some abstract thing. He loves to reveal through experiences. Some are hard and we wouldn’t learn certain things otherwise. They are deep and change us deeply forever. Some are to delight and push away the boundaries of men or religion. These are simply things I’ve observed in relation with Him. Not exhaustive in thought by any means.
One certain tree in the night caught my hearts gaze. It wasn’t a tall tree. A bench was placed thoughtfully just underneath. It’s glow was so golden it almost took my breath away. And there I lingered. I could not rush by. I could not leave. It captured me even as I tried to capture its every angle and how it lit up so many places all the way around it. It’s arms beckoning by light. It’s leaves both fallen and lingering still were reflecting light. The path toward it and away from it reflected its fire and gates were revealed in the night. The stone wall was fired up so to speak. Figures walking by became dark silouette’s against the backdrop of its piercing glow.
Seeing that little tree glowing in the darkness has enriched my bible reading this week. Everything about light has been high-lighted. (Pun intended). So much parallel to be found in my recent viewing of this golden tree. Light truly does overcome darkness and attract others to it. And if I hadn’t experienced this, I may have missed the richness of parallel and this revelation that will never leave me.
How rich is our walk with God. When we walk in the light as He is in the light, we surely do have fellowship one with another. Him and I. You and Him. Walk in the light beloved. Stay on the path He has made for you. Don’t go to the left or right. Surely His love is awaiting you around each corner and bend. He loves to encounter you and delight your heart in the midst of the darkness. Just stay with Him. The darkness can never overcome the Light.
It was cold. Cold enough for the skin of ones face to stiffen but not so cold as to completely dampen the bright eyes and smiles that can come when one enjoys a beautiful time with someone they love.
My husband always carries his armstrong heater as he calls it. He places one arm around me and keeps me warm. The hot chocolate we both held kept fingers warm for a time as we followed the winding path. A night lit up by colorful lights that outlined the shape of trees and fence rows and lawn edges. The fire’s lit and chairs set around. The sounds of people together in the night. The quickened pace to stay warm and the times of stopping to capture some light. These are things you just don’t experience very often. When the heart is drawn to something and that heart longing doesn’t stop, one can consider the reasons why. I always feel God is speaking to me and telling me to pay attention. We too often think some things are just our own inspiration but it is Him that put certain longings in there to delight us and show us things by experience. God isn’t some abstract thing. He loves to reveal through experiences. Some are hard and we wouldn’t learn certain things otherwise. They are deep and change us deeply forever. Some are to delight and push away the boundaries of men or religion. These are simply things I’ve observed in relation with Him. Not exhaustive in thought by any means.
One certain tree in the night caught my hearts gaze. It wasn’t a tall tree. A bench was placed thoughtfully just underneath. It’s glow was so golden it almost took my breath away. And there I lingered. I could not rush by. I could not leave. It captured me even as I tried to capture its every angle and how it lit up so many places all the way around it. It’s arms beckoning by light. It’s leaves both fallen and lingering still were reflecting light. The path toward it and away from it reflected its fire and gates were revealed in the night. The stone wall was fired up so to speak. Figures walking by became dark silouette’s against the backdrop of its piercing glow.
Seeing that little tree glowing in the darkness has enriched my bible reading this week. Everything about light has been high-lighted. (Pun intended). So much parallel to be found in my recent viewing of this golden tree. Light truly does overcome darkness and attract others to it. And if I hadn’t experienced this, I may have missed the richness of parallel and this revelation that will never leave me.
How rich is our walk with God. When we walk in the light as He is in the light, we surely do have fellowship one with another. Him and I. You and Him. Walk in the light beloved. Stay on the path He has made for you. Don’t go to the left or right. Surely His love is awaiting you around each corner and bend. He loves to encounter you and delight your heart in the midst of the darkness. Just stay with Him. The darkness can never overcome the Light.
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