Bloom In The Dark

Recently, at the home of a friend,
I marveled at the beauty
of a plant she owned
that was covered in beautiful
red flowers.

It was a Christmas cactus
she shared with me.
It blooms when the days
become darker -
usually around Christmas time,
hence the name "Christmas cactus".

Well, we've had a long springtime
this year of unusual darkness
as clouds have overtaken
day after day and much rain.

But what a marvel this plant is!
It blooms in darkness
and with little water
when times are dormant and cooler.

This is how Gods people are!
The darker the times,
the more His glory shines
as we yield to His process
and His song He brings.

What beautiful fruit
can be had for the plucking
by those who need a fresh taste,
by those who have never tasted
and have yet to experience!

Oh how I want to be like that!
Lord, teach me your ways!

(The picture is of the actual
Christmas cactus I saw at the home
of my friend.)

Link: "How To Make A Christmas Cactus Bloom"


  1. Lovely picture! And so true of God: the closer we get to His Word the more He fills us. Glory!! He enters the room, not us!! Holy! His purposes are fulfilled! Joy! More of Him...worship!!


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