The Gardener Cares Tenderly

There was a tree in the orchard.
And I don't know why
but it started to die.
The other tree's were strong
and healthy.
The buds arrived as usual
in the warmth and rain
of the spring.

But not for this little tree.

The Gardner noticed.
With aching heart He looked
for ways to bring this tree
back to health.

He pruned some of the branches
that were scraggly.
He sang as He worked.
He talked to the tree
and spent so much time
lovingly and tenderly
caring for this one
more than all the others.

And delighted was He one day
to see new growth.
There were new buds forming
and new branches.

As time went on,
He continued to keep watch
on that tree.
It was so very special to Him.
He had invested His heart.

The tree flourished
under His watchful care.
And when anyone comes
and stops to admire
the Gardener's beloved orchard,
He never fails to remark,
"Do you see that tree right over there?
That is my special tree.
It was dying and with all my love
I brought that tree back to life.

It flourishes.

Oh the ache of His heart
for the lonely, the hurting and dying
all around.

And He always takes notice.

Now the orchard is so very large.
It spans thousands and thousands
of acres.
And He sent out His laborers
specially trained and in them,
His heart beats.

Not a single tree is lost
is His track record.
Many come from all around
and marvel at the work He has done.

He has done great things!
