Can We Deny Ourselves and Gain God's Perspective?
The early church knew
the reality of Jesus words
when He said that if anyone
wants to be a disciple of His
pick up their cross
and follow Him.
He said these words to the few
who continued on with Him
BEFORE He had done so Himself.
He knew they wouldn't get
the full impact of those words
until later.
These few who dared believe
that His words were true,
were soon to find out
that all of them were true.
Today, the church applauds
those who take good care of themselves.
They pride themselves on those
who go after their dreams
and seek the things below.
They persecute those who dare
to give up all and who find
the denial Christ talked about
because the denial of ourselves
means that we suffer
and no one wants to see anyone
they know and love to suffer.
Christ's followers suffered.
They suffered,
and not just a little.
They suffered loss of all they owned -
property, lands, wealth laid up
for their future generations.
They lost reputation,
they spent time where the unreputable
of society were kept, imprisoned,
loss of health, loss of clothing,
everything of any earthly value
ripped right away
with no sense of justice or compassion.
Paul said of those
who wandered in caves, destitute,
considered crazies, that
"The world was not worthy".
Do we think we serve a Christ
different from the Christ
who walked this earth?
One who would never call His followers
to a life that would endanger them
in body and mind today?
Maybe a Christ who would never
shake the comfortable nest
and make anyone uncomfortable?
Where God's Spirit comes from
or goes, no one really knows.
We may feel the wind
but don't know it's source
or it's destination.
So it is with everyone
who is filled with His Spirit.
He doesn't make sense to us.
He doesn't think like we do.
He knows the mind of God
and reveals it to me and you.
We struggle.
We don't struggle with flesh and blood alone.
Although it seems our biggest struggle
is with our own flesh and its desire
to lay low and be comfortable.
We struggle with that desire
to want to settle down and
build our comfortable nest
back up again.
We struggle.
But God's Spirit continues to speak
and to move and to make change in us.
We may fall in our struggle
and do things that may cause others
to point and lay on the accusations
of only what they see
and not agree with what God says
for you and for me.
We are the early church.
The early church never ages.
We are the bride of Christ.
We are the same beautiful bride
Christ died for
as the bride born on the very day
He died.
And the bride that was already
a twinkle in His eye before
He laid the earths foundation.
So let's agree with God.
Let's discontinue the stone casting,
the name calling, the disruption of
gossip and critism and suspicion
and the accusations.
You may not realize it,
but only the religious crowd
who did not know Jesus
did that to Him.
But to all who believed on Him
and trusted in His name,
He gave the right to become
children of God Himself!
Be careful that you don't persecute
one of God's very own
precious children He paid for
with the most precious price
of His beloved Sons blood.
Pray for your friends in Christ.
They are the church.
They are the beautiful bride.
They, regardless of how
they look to us
are seen by God
as who they will be,
and who already are to Him.
Deeply loved and made perfect in Him.
Agree with God
and pray to think like Him.
If you've failed before in this,
no worries my friend.
It's a tough temptation
that has taken all of us
from time to time.
But that's why we have His Spirit -
to convict and invoke change
and bring us into tearful repentance.
His bride is so very precious you see.
He called the weak, the despised,
the ones this world would never
And He is making them kings
and priests unto their God.
Just like He is making you.
Get wisdom and get understanding.
Forsake her not and she will love you.
Forsake not a child who God
made worthy
and genuine love of God
will be birthed.
His Kingdom come in that moment.
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