Clean And At Rest

Sometimes you do things
on a regular basis, a habit 
and maybe one that 
you don't think too much about.

One of my habits each morning
before I can feel at rest
and spend some time with God
is to take my broom 
and sweep the floors.

Yesterday, I was doing that.
I'm always amazed 
at how much dust and dirt
has accumulated from the day before and the falling hair from family and pets.

I hear say that the average amount
of hair a normal person loses
is between 50-100 a day.
And God knows the number
of those still on your head
even when the count changes 
from day to day!
But I have digressed. 

As I was sweeping, 
it was one of those moments
(we've all had them)
where God showed me something.

For me to be able to rest
my home must be swept clean.
You'd think that I would realize
that the devotions were more important 
and let that go until afterwards.

But no, the cleaning and sweeping
helped me to BE at rest
so that I could enter His rest
and focus on Him
in my reading the bible/prayer time.

You know what?
God did that same thing for us!
He sent His Son to cleanse us
of all the dirt and grime and sin.
He came and took care of that
and opened the way for us to come
and enter His rest with Him.

So you and I can come boldly
before His throne of grace -
walk right in 
and come into sweet Rest.

Is the rest He gave dependant on us?
If it was, we'd never get to come to Him
because we'd always feel dirty
and grimy and would slink away
from coming into His rest.

He knew that.
So He cleansed us by His blood
and made us clean -
He did that first!
He stripped away the power of sin
and takes up residence in us
and His power works in us 
to will and do His good pleasure.

This is a fact.  He did this.

Find your rest in Him.
Come to Him all you who are weary
and heavy laden (all that grime
and dirt you've picked up 
here and there throughout each day)
and He will give you rest.

Remind yourself what Christ has done
for you each and every day.
You can go to Him confidently
in His cleansing flow
and He makes you white as snow.

I'm going to be real here.
You know those terrible things 
that happened and you've done them -
sometimes willingly.
Maybe even many times willingly.
Keep going to Him precious friend.
Keep entering His rest 
and continue to trust in what He's done.
He will deliver you.
You'll see.
He is your God.
He knows you
and He made the way open
for you to come and find your rest
through His cleansing
any and every moment you need it.
Just like He knows the current 
number of hairs on your head
in spite of the fact that 
some of them have fallen out even 
in the last hour.

" teach me wisdom 
in the inmost place.
Cleanse me (literally means "Un-sin me") with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me,
and I will be whiter than snow.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit 
within me."
Psalm 51:6b, 7, 9-10

You want to know what a life lived by faith looks like?
Every time you draw near to God
in full assurance that all He said and did on your behalf it true, you are living by faith!  It pleases Him for you to come near.  Look at Him and not the sin in your life that tries to say things to you louder than God.  Every time you believe God and draw near to Him "plunged in the precious flow of His Sons blood", He works in you and you will repent and enjoy lasting fellowship because He is near and you know He cares for you more than anything or anyone!
