Falling Upward

I never thought it would be like this.
Falling.  Yet, not falling away
from the One who truly matters.
Falling.  Falling from the crumbling,
the platforms, the pedestals,
the crowds, the praises of men,
the concerns of the passing away,
the passions of the flesh
in all it's various forms.
The need to have 
and to be somebody.

The falling.
To be alone.
To want and desire only One thing.
The set apart for One purpose.
The desire of the One
to have me all to Himself.
To fall into His everlasting arms
and there to lean
and ever be content.
And I think to myself,
"Why wouldn't He want this?
Who wouldn't want another's
full and undivided love and affection?"

Ah Beloved One,
if my life fully yours 
is worth more to you
than the praises of ten thousand men
and the accomplishments 
of a thousand lifetimes,
then you may have it.
Not my will but yours be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

How much better is one day
in your courts 
than a thousand elsewhere.
