Remember Life Is Hard, Be Patient With One Another
How very patient
and tender
we should be with one another,
even when we're angry -
especially when we are angry
or feel another just isn't there.
It feels in the moment
of our afflicted feelings,
like we just can't endure
anymore of whatever it is.
But we truly can.
When we remember the love,
the reason God brought us together,
the special times,
the times that we
would never have had
if we hadn't endured in love.
If that sweet and precious
new love
that overlooked so much
and believed the best
hadn't have been there,
we'd have departed much sooner
and gave up more quickly.
Let's ever be patient
with one another.
Life is truly difficult
in the deepest ways
that even we have a hard time
processing or articulating.
Being a Christian
doesn't make anything easier.
In fact, I think I've hurt more deeply
because He activated His love
in me,
to love more deeply.
With every tiny droplet
of His love He puts in us,
we want to pour it out on others
because it is like a precious oil
and it wants to diffuse everywhere.
And with that diffusion
also comes deeper hurt
and misunderstanding
as the sincere love
may be misinterpreted
in various ways and forms.
Sometimes when the hurt
goes very deep,
we want to hide away
and shut God out for awhile
so that you don't have to
experience His love to pour it out.
But we all know how long
that lasts before not having His love
makes us ache.
We ache if we do
and we ache if we don't.
So let's be ever so tender
with one another
because we all have
this same thing going on.
Being vulnerable falls on deaf ears
most of the time.
But even experiencing that
makes you more compassionate
when someone courageously shares
something vulnerable with you.
The hurt experienced with God,
makes us better people -
people of substance who truly care.
I find when I don't genuinely care,
it's because I've attended
the exuberant religious dance party
and taken some dance moves
in the limelight of human praise.
I feel more close with God
when I'm in darker times
with no one's praise
and no one's applause
and nothing on the horizon
but God.
Tender. Gentle. Sincere.
Let us be these kind with
one another.
When we are weak, truly
His strength is made perfect in us
as we yield to His care
in all things.
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