As The Relationship Progresses

Relationship is such a delicate thing.
You start with a reaching out
or being reached out to.
It might be a common interest 
or a need needing filled.
Maybe what you thought 
the other person needed,
you'd be Jesus with skin on
and fulfill.

Whatever or however the case may be,
it started out with something
and that something was just
a beginning.

If you are ever so blessed
to begin a relationship with another
that continues over 
a good amount of time,
you know that a genuine relationship 
takes two - always a two way street
in the best of them.

But however your relationship
with this one and that has formed,
is forming and continues to form,
I have enjoyed a type of one
that has come to the place
where I can trust that it won't end.

It's a place where one doesn't always
have to be afraid as what has been built 
over the years is solid
and has a good, strong foundation.

It still needs nurtured and respected
but it does so, not out of fear of loss
or rejection, but out of genuine 
heartfelt and trusting care.

What once was possibly done 
because of agenda or need
is now done simply for the sake
of the other without needing anything
in return as the relationship in itself
is of such high value as to always
care deeply.

I like that we can have a trusting
relationship where two can show a committment over time as to look back
and call it love.

God is a faithful God.
He is committed, trustworthy
and His desire is toward us.
And the beauty of desire toward Him
can blossom into a quiet trust
of commitment to Him in return.
What a love!
