I Sit By My Mother

I love to go to my parents home
and make a cup of coffee.
It's been a few times
that I've gone just to be there
with them
and sit with them for
several hours.

I love sitting beside my Mom.
There have been years
where I couldn't stay long
for several reasons -
None of which seem
very important now.

I feel a peace
as she seems to want
to enjoy sitting with me.
I think she likes
these recent routine visits.

I see how it makes her happy
to share a sweet treat with me
that she enjoys.
She often offers something
to go along with my coffee
and even though I have eaten
just before arriving,
I find it hard to say no.

How thankful I am for this season
of quiet and lack of busyness.
Sometimes weakness
allows for moments
of deeper being.
I'm not sure I'd trade
"having it all together"
and the hidden dangers
lurking in all that,
for these times
I've had with her.
