Finding Treasure In The Flexibility Of The Spirit

There's nothing more enjoyable
than that flexible vacation
where one isn't squeezed for time.
Where you can go somewhere
or not go somewhere.
There is no pressure to go or to do.
There is freedom in that.
The human spirit
has a chance to breath deeply
and take in the moment
and see everything with fresh,
unhurried eyes.
It helps you to see the smaller,
insignificant things
that others may overlook
and one finds amazing treasure.

I often think that as Christians,
we are masters of sucking away
the beauty of Gods gift to us
as His Spirit-filled people
to allow His Spirit to breath -
to give Him time to show us
the beauty in the forgotten things.
To let us see the treasure there is
in the things man considers
minuscule or not worth
the time and effort.

So we sequester people
into activities that are churchy.
These are to keep people so busy
and active and inflexible
and they get lost in the duties
and feel a sense of worth
through the praises of those
who find all who fill those positions
of higher value than others.

But in nature, value is in the seeing.
To read between the lines
takes perception of spirit.
To see beyond what is seen
in our natural eye is likened
to taking a back seat
with nothing to distract
as we gaze out the window.
We hear the conversations,
we view the activity.
We are chatted with and to.
But in the flexibility of Gods Spirit
there are things He'd like to show us and the joy in finding those.

Let's take the back seat.
Let's sit in the lowest place.
Let's go for a ride on the wind
of Gods precious Spirit
and see where He takes us.
And let's breath.
Let's let go of agenda
and striving, plans and organizations -
pressures of all kinds.
Let's be.

Ahhh.  Can you even imagine?
What would life be like I wonder?
How many would like to come
and sit with us and gaze?
Go ahead and see.
The invitation is waiting
for those willing to shy from
the need to have and to be someone in this life.
People await.
People who want nothing to do
with churchiness.
Because they have been rejected
and they've lived between the lines.
They're waiting for those willing
to sit with them
and see with them
between the lines.
