The Genuine Love Of God Isn't Easy

So often in our life of ease,
we spout quotes about love.
We hear about love in church.
We hear others talk on the topic.
How cute we are
as we walk about
with joyful smiles.
Life is good.

But the real love of God
isn't easy at all
and doesn't come naturally.
It works in us multiple choices
in each moment
to keep our eyes
on what is unseen
instead of what is seen.
It wrestles
with our inner selfishness
and searches every intention
and motive of the heart.

We don't do the tough stuff
that is necessary to reach
the hurting lost around us.
It is most uncomfortable
and by nature requires
more than our natural selves
could ever give.

It's easy to sign up
for duties on Sunday mornings.
It's easy to put on a smile
and make people happy
for doing expected work.

But to reach those
who will never walk in the doors
is going to take self sacrifice
of all our comfort zones.

It will even strip you
of your churchiness
and make that religious you,
extremely uncomfortable.

Amy Carmichael,
a dear missionary to India,
wrote a little book called, "If".
"If -
by doing some work
which the undiscerning consider,
'Not spiritual work'
I can best help others,
and I inwardly rebel,
thinking it is the spiritual
for which I crave,
when in truth
it is the interesting and exciting,
then I know nothing
of Calvary love."

"If -
I slip into the place
that can be filled by Christ alone,
making myself the first necessity
to a soul instead of leading it
to fasten on Him,
then I know nothing
of Calvary love."

Sometimes we are tempted
to judge before we understand.
We may have had high expectations of others
and are disappointed
because they didn't fit
into our agenda's
as soon as we thought they should.

Remember that real spiritual life
is often very hard work
in the one in whom it's beauty
is starting to bloom.

Trust that God is always
at work in the heart of His bride.
These love Him
with devotion and have ears
attune to His voice.

When we let go
of the expectations of our agenda
and let God do His thing,
it is always well with our soul.

As soon as we try and control
and move things too quickly
and the blessed fruit of patience
is lacking,
we spin wheels
and become frustrated
and the tender unity of the Spirit
can be lost.

Love is never an easy thing.
