When The Spirit Leads You
When we are led by God’s Spirit,
we may often think of that
as a sweet and lovely journey
toward a bed of roses
where there are no thorns attached.
How often we forget
those who were truly led
and the lives, the Spirit
led them towards.
Look at the life of Jesus.
He waited most of His young life
until He was thirty years old
before He heard the call
that it was time to be baptized
and the Spirit came
and rested on Him.
Straight after that,
He was led by the Spirit
into a wilderness, with wild beasts,
with no food, without knowing
how long this was going to be.
We read how it was for forty days.
In His weakened human state,
we may often think of that
as a sweet and lovely journey
toward a bed of roses
where there are no thorns attached.
How often we forget
those who were truly led
and the lives, the Spirit
led them towards.
Look at the life of Jesus.
He waited most of His young life
until He was thirty years old
before He heard the call
that it was time to be baptized
and the Spirit came
and rested on Him.
Straight after that,
He was led by the Spirit
into a wilderness, with wild beasts,
with no food, without knowing
how long this was going to be.
We read how it was for forty days.
In His weakened human state,
(fully God and fully man)
the devil tried to take advantage
and tempted Him three times.
Each time, Jesus stayed with
the word of God.
Think of the Apostle Paul.
When the Lord appeared to him
on the road to Damascus,
he was filled with God’s Spirit
and led to a place far away
where the Lord Himself
revealed who He was personally.
Paul didn’t rush to believers
or the other apostles to collaborate.
The Holy Spirit led him otherwise.
Look at the lives
of all the men of God in the Bible.
God led them into hard places
where mostly they were misunderstood
and grumbled against,
stoned, crucified, beheaded,
spoken evil of, etc.
You as well dear child of God
will, as you are led by the Spirit,
will also be misunderstood,
spoken against at times
and the understanding of others
won’t always be there.
But go anyway.
Do as He leads.
Stick with those He brings
your way as He desires you
to come alongside.
The Holy Spirit is a helper,
a counselor, one who leads you
into all truth and knows
the will of God for you
and lives in the hope
of all that God has spoken of you
to come to pass
and prays for you in the seeing
of what God see’s.
Don’t be afraid to be led
by God’s Spirit.
For as hard as it may be,
there is also an infilling
of grace and strength
to see you through.
And there is the love of Christ
as your true ambition
as He is worked in you.
And that, dear friends,
is truly something.
For when we are led
by the Spirit,
then we are truly His son's.
and tempted Him three times.
Each time, Jesus stayed with
the word of God.
Think of the Apostle Paul.
When the Lord appeared to him
on the road to Damascus,
he was filled with God’s Spirit
and led to a place far away
where the Lord Himself
revealed who He was personally.
Paul didn’t rush to believers
or the other apostles to collaborate.
The Holy Spirit led him otherwise.
Look at the lives
of all the men of God in the Bible.
God led them into hard places
where mostly they were misunderstood
and grumbled against,
stoned, crucified, beheaded,
spoken evil of, etc.
You as well dear child of God
will, as you are led by the Spirit,
will also be misunderstood,
spoken against at times
and the understanding of others
won’t always be there.
But go anyway.
Do as He leads.
Stick with those He brings
your way as He desires you
to come alongside.
The Holy Spirit is a helper,
a counselor, one who leads you
into all truth and knows
the will of God for you
and lives in the hope
of all that God has spoken of you
to come to pass
and prays for you in the seeing
of what God see’s.
Don’t be afraid to be led
by God’s Spirit.
For as hard as it may be,
there is also an infilling
of grace and strength
to see you through.
And there is the love of Christ
as your true ambition
as He is worked in you.
And that, dear friends,
is truly something.
For when we are led
by the Spirit,
then we are truly His son's.
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