The Morning Was Beautiful

The air was warm and you could tell there was rain about to come as I stepped outside and began to load the car for the journey ahead.

I love road trips. There is something about the anticipation for the unknown and unexpected little blessings that happen along the way. There is the preparation and planning for the day. There is the stops at gas stations to get gas and goodies.

I brewed a fresh cup of creamy coffee and took that out last with me and started the engine. My thoughts were trying hard to stay positive in the face of some last minute change of plans. But I’ve been here before so many times (in the face of general life disappointments). I know in the face of disappointments that God is truly in control and I can trust His plan. That track record of His goodness makes me feel more confident in His joy to continue. And this time was no different.  Disappointments are just that.  But God is full of Life and Appointments.  We can share any disappointments with our Heavenly Father and if they are super-heavy, release all the hurt and pain and remind yourself of His goodness and He will guide the eyes of your heart back towards His Face and it will be well with your soul.  Repeat often as needed.   Sometimes disappointments come because we have our hearts too much on the blessing and not so much on the Blesser.  The blessings fade but the Blesser remains faithful and unchanging.  His nature remains intact in spite of all we go through in this life.

There was moments of pouring down rain where I could hardly see. And the sun was rising and I thought about how sweet it would be to see a rainbow. And there to my right was a beautiful section of one set in pretty clouds. And just as I passed that one, another bow appeared and I smiled on the inside.

The highway towards my destination showed a two-hour delay and google re-routed me off and into a section of town I’d never been. Road construction everywhere forced me off that path and was re-routed again. By this time it was that part of the day where kids were being walked to school by parents. It was a treat to see people out and the crosswalk guard and I exchanged smiles as I drove slowly by. It was a community of people doing the things they do everyday. People out at bus stops and people chatting. Because traffic was so slow, I could witness all of it and almost felt a part of it. Just lovely.

An area of green space caught my eye and it was beautifully green and the water on the grass glinted in the bright morning sun. Such a contrast to all the industry on the other side. What a sweet thing it is for there to be something untouched by workforce. A place of rest.
On and on this winding journey took me along the Lakeshore where eyes could relax over blue distance on calm water.

It was as if time stood still in spite of the fact my journey was hampered on every side. Traffic was heavy and speeds were slow.

But how beautiful to rest in the knowledge that God is in control. There is nothing I can do more to change it and when I rest in His goodness, He can restore my soul and lead me beside still waters....on the inside of me.

He truly knows what we need and when we trust Him, there are beautiful things that unfold in lives all around us. How He loves us all so much!
