What Do You Like About Yourself?

I recently signed up for a new ten-week series hosted by a group of young ladies from The Vine church called, “Art, Women, Jesus.”

The location for this is set in an art studio/framing shop and its long and wide staircase up to the second level was a treat. It isn’t often that you find a staircase dedicated solely to going up to a second floor. It was lined with artwork for sale. The Electric Brew is located just underneath with its vintage charm. There is so much in Goshen that is quaint and charming once you get a chance to be out and explore. I arrived early to find a spot to park and went in to use my reward points I had saved up for a free large Mocha, loving the smiling face of one young lady who happens often to be working in the evenings. I sat outside on a brick ledge that edged a couple bushes and flowers. It always feels right to me to arrive early to sit just outside of an event and take in the sights of people coming and going, the feel of a place and to take in a view one doesn’t normally. Part of taking in new things feeds my adventure bug in some ways.

The whole evening was a real treat. Ladies only and go in to seats arranged thoughtfully. Desserts and bottles of water laid out. So much preparation went into all of this and it showed. It was again good to sit and watch as those hosting prepared for opening night. I loved hearing their interactions with each other.

We were asked to introduce ourselves and to share with the group one thing we liked about ourselves. Now that is a question you don’t ever think too much about or ever blurt out to a group of people who don’t know you. Thankfully I wasn’t the 1st to have to respond and it was refreshing to hear the ladies share openly about what they liked about themselves. It gave me courage to share one thing I enjoyed. It made me think about the possibility that it is OK to like something about yourself and that question has still been with me today as I write on this much-needed, cooler and rainy morning. I love to write. It’s something I enjoy very much. I love when I can write from my heart. I love to write just for the sake of writing. It’s always been a comfort for me throughout my life to write out feelings and to process life. Journaling is a sweet process of taking your pen (or note ap, blog etc) and just being alone with your thoughts and with God and together being able to sort it. Sometimes it’s just being gut-honest. Honesty in writing or being spoken in the patience of time or the patience of a listening ear is something all of us need from time to time. I imagine that the creation of time was partly meant for the use of this precious commodity of listening to one another, of hearing and sorting it out and releasing it with God’s loving kindness flowing. Listening - it feels when I write that I’m being listened to. I’m sitting outside on my wide porch and it’s just me here. Thinking. Feeling that I needed to express how this sweet question asked Wednesday night impacted me.

What is something you like about yourself or one quality you like about yourself?

And it’s totally OK if there’s more than one. My answer on Wednesday was different than my thoughts expressed here.
