If you want to connect more deeply
with another who is near,
look fully towards them
and give of your ear.
It is better to listen
than to speak.
It is better to listen
with heart towards another
than just to hear.
Take time and don't try to rush it.
Rushing sabotages the moments
meant to connect deeply.
Lay aside the thoughts of tomorrow
and the anxieties and worries of today.
Those will be there always.
But this moment passes away.
Take your opinions, experiences,
all the things you think you know
and your own perspectives -
leave them behind
and don't let them break in
to steal or destroy.
Lay down the past hurts,
injustices and issues.
Be fully present
as you offer the other your all.
Believe God's perspective
for both you and them.
Be ready to share
the fresh heavenly perspective
you are given in the moment.
And be totally ready
to say nothing at all.
Ears were made for heaven
and what goes in
only God knows how to sort out.
Take the time to let Him sort it.
Wait patiently for Him
to bring you a song to encourage
the weak and weary.
Maybe all you hear
is to take the hand
and the tears flow.
You never know.
But be open to God
and closed to yourself.
Humble pie is refreshing
but pride tastes nasty.
Religious self righteousness
never does anyone any good.
It is pride dressed in religious hood.
Wait on God.
And continue to love Him
with each one He brought
for your encounter.
And bless.
Some situations are so hard.
They want to unnerve you
and pull away your Beloved connection.
Be on guard
and remember where you are from
and to Whom You belong.
And who in front of you
needs to know that same Who
in heaven.
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