Each and Every Day We Need God

Everyday holds so many struggles
as we navigate this sea of life.
Many of these are within
where we wonder what to do
with this worry and that,
the people who we rub elbows with
and all their needs
and how to effectively be with them.
Navigating differences of opinion
and differences in religion
and differences of all kinds
and what makes up humanity 
in all the complexness
that makes up each one of us.
And we are all thrown in together
like a pot of soup.
And I've had some soup
with so many different ingredients
thrown in and the taste 
is just wonderful.
You can have lots of differences
when the main base is flavored so good.

I don't know about you
but without a doubt I need 
the wisdom and love of God
to make any sense of anything at all.

He is the Master Chef.
He knows how to work in this and that
to bring out the sweetest flavors
for all to enjoy.
He is an aroma so divine
and He is a taste 
that nothing else can compare to.

He longs for us to partake of Him
in the complexity of all we encounter.
Some things are so complex,
He knows what you need
to overcome it and He pours Himself in
to that situation as you ask of Him.

Surely, most assuredly, He will come.
Let Him have His own way.
Let Him take out the ingredients 
that are harmful 
and let Him stir your heart
and eliminate the pride 
and make you salty 
and tasteful 
and a good aroma
for all to enjoy.

Don't let the hardships of life
make you lose sight of Him.
Instead, let it thrust you toward.
Ever be mindful of Him
in all He says.
It's worth waiting on Him
before you speak or move.
