Life in the Overflow

We never get enough,
if we were completely honest.
Being vulnerable is hard.
Letting go isn't easy.
Looking into eyes,
listening intently.
Lingering for each one
without anywhere else,
or anyone else,
but you and me. 

Taking that time.
Busy but not in a hurry.
Allowing things to go.
Making a cushion,
for what is really important
and what really matters. 

Heart meter runs empty
most of the time.
Not making it priority
to ever get it filled,
let alone to overflowing.

But isn't it something.
How we were created.
That only in the overflow,
the oversplash of genuine,
fulfilling, centered on the other,
honest, open, caring,
leaning in complete trust,
sincere heart, conscience clear,
no jealousy, other so dear.

Only in the overflow,
is where we truly live.
Only in the overflow,
are we truly fulfilled.
Only in the overflow,
can we see clear.
Only in the overflow,
can we give to others.
Only in this overflow.

Can we make the time?
Let go of some things?
Look someone in the eye?
Reach out and take a hand?
Linger for awhile?

For in each relationship,
where these things occur,
a miracle will happen
and an overflow,
a beautiful overflow,
will splash up and over the top.
And you will enjoy
this amazing water.
Kick it up and splash
some of it to others.
And they will find there
is life.
They will ask you of this life.
They will desire this life.
This life in the overflow.

Written December 9, 2010
